Home World Gaming Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm – Multiplayer Map

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm – Multiplayer Map

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm – Multiplayer Map
Source: youtube.com

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm is a multiplayer map set in the South China Sea. Parecel Storm in Battlefield 4 focuses heavily on sea and air combat and features numerous boats, jets, and helicopters for both teams.

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm also features dynamic weather, where the map starts out in sunny conditions, which can later turn into a tropical storm. The new Levolution feature is also incorporated, where a naval ship steers into the land, wreaking havoc on the scenery.

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm layout

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm layout

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm is a sea-based map, with plenty of open waters for a lot of boats. The capture points are scattered across small islands on the map, which features some light vehicles. Paracel Storm is mainly an air and sea map and resembles somewhat Wake Island from previous games.

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm vehicles

Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm vehicles

Paracel Storm is dominated by the sea and air vehicles. The US side starts out on an aircraft carrier with access to helicopters, jets, and boats. The Chinese faction starts out in land, and has access to the same type of vehicles.